My Super Bowl Party in 4 Minutes Flat

I held a Super Bowl party at my house and used one of my webcams to snap a frame every ten seconds of us watching the game.  I then took those snapshots, all 2,300 of them, and compiled a time-lapse video of the party from start to finish.

There’s a lot of eating, a lot of drinking and  a lot of my nephew right in front of the camera!



Dragon Dictate has revived my blog!

This is my first blog post in a while. I made a commitment a little while ago to start writing more and actually I didn’t keep that commitment. So why all of a sudden do my writing now? Well actually, I’m not. I’m just talking.

When I was most recently the Affiliate Summit West in Las Vegas, I met someone at my booth who told me that they use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to do all of their blog post. This really got me thinking. I thought to myself well if I could just sit around and dictate what I want to say I could save myself a ton of time and action for a lot of content onto my blog. I mean, I love to talk so it’s really not a problem for me to just sit here and talk to my Mac.

Of course, I was a little skeptical. I didn’t think it would really work the way was advertised. I figured, there would definitely be mistakes and I would spend more time correcting those mistakes than I would have if I actually just wrote the post using my keyboard. Much to my surprise, the software actually works remarkably well! I’m actually sitting here in front of my Mac using a headset with a microphone and dictating this blog post.

Now, it took me a little while to get it set up. I mean, I had to train it to listen to my voice and understand the way I spoke. I’m sure if I gave it even more training it would be even more accurate. Bottom line is, this is probably going to cut in half the amount of time it takes me to make a blog posting than it did in the past. This means, and I should start putting a lot more content on my blog then I did in the past.

I will say this, it’s definitely not cheap. I hopped onto Amazon actually paid $199 for it. Is it worth it? I think if I actually use it and actually start putting much more stuff on my blog and maybe making a little more advertising revenue because of all the new content, then yes it was. What I recommended to others? I think I would. I think that this can be a really useful tool for someone who finds himself writing a lot.

Medical records and why aren’t they electronic

I’m sitting in a doctor’s waiting room right now and I’ve just experienced something that I’m sure we all have time and time again: as a new patient, you’re required to fill out pages and pages of questionnaires, all of which I’ve done before at other offices.

Now, understand this: I’m writing this post from my iPad while connected wirelessly to the Internet. Why, oh why, can’t I just have an electronic file of these documents (on a USB key? Downloadable from my Dropbox folder?) that I just hand to the nurse? The last 15 minutes worth of me filling out documents could have been completed in less than ten seconds.

The worst part is, the documents that I filled out are just photocopies or print-outs of the exact same documents from other offices. Some even show the remnants of White Out marks where a previous doctor’s name was removed and a new one added.

The question becomes: what’s the hang-up? Is it a format issue? Is it a price issue? I would have to imagine that keeping electronic records must be infinitely cheaper than paper ones. Hell, you could store of of them in the cloud, that way they can be accessible from anywhere.

I know Google is working on this and I hope they can make some headway. I’m tired of doing the exact same thing my parents, and even grandparents did. Ask me and this is one of the biggest drivers of outrageous medical costs and it needs to be fixed now!

Make something foolproof, they make a better fool

Here’s something to pass around to all of your friends… and tell them to pass it along to all of theirs. This is how ALL point-and-shoot digital cameras work:

In one motion, you press the shutter button halfway down and hold, which causes the camera to engage the autofocus. Once the camera has autofocused on the subject, usually indicated by a beep, you continue to press the button all the way down to take the picture.

While that seems simple and, to people who actually know how to use their digital cameras, foolproof, it’s amazing how many people screw this up. It seems that the majority of individuals that you hand your camera to and ask to take a picture of you with your friends/parents/girl or boyfriend/etc just point the camera and mash the button down. This cause the shutter to fire before the camera focuses, resulting in a blurry picture.

Interestingly enough, these are also the people who give you a look when you review the picture they just took in an attempt to check their work. Then you have to make the decision to ask them to take another picture or just say “thanks” and move on.

So please, for the sake of everyone on a vacation with their loved ones who would like to have everyone in the picture, halfway down to autofocus then all the way down to fire. One motion, no double tapping!

Rant over.

It’s all in a (user)name

Ahh, DatingWhile perusing one of the many dating sites that I am a member of, it occurred to me that I’m a big fan of looking at a person’s username.  I believe that it gives a clue as to their personality type and some are just really clever.

However, your username can also work against you. Include a little too much information and there’s a good chance that you’ll have a real hard time getting dates  I’ve posted a list of some usernames below that I believe will, um, hinder you from successfully finding a mate online (but what do I know, I’m still single).


Usernames guaranteed to keep you from meeting someone on internet dating sites (part 1):

For the guys



14InchesofPain (that one might work, there’s some weird people out there)


Anything with 696969 following it









For the girls












